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dew point analyzer

this automatic condensation hygrometer has the option to measure manually. It was designed for taking measurements of the water dew point and hydrocarbon condensation temperature as well as the visual monitoring of the condensation processes.
The analyzer comes in two designs differing only in accessories and maximum operating pressure (16/30 MPa).

Fields of application

  • gas
  • oil
  • chemical
  • power
  • metallurgical industry
  • environment protection
  • metrology

Intended use

for automated water dew point and hydrocarbon condensation temperature measurements at gas metering stations, underground storage and dehydration units, etc.;

to check the efficiency of permanently fixed hygrometers using either manual or automatic mode as well as in combined operation with the "Model-003" gas purification system;

as a comparator hygrometer for the transference of the dew point value between wet gas generators of different precision classes;

for visual monitoring of water and hydrocarbon condensation processes.


Visual monitoring of the measurement process
Patented dual-channel optical system for monitoring the surface of the chilled mirror.
Measuring time reduction
Mode for automatic photo-electronic scanning of the mirror’s surface to decrease manual measurement time and determine the state of mirror contamination
Self-contained operation
Can be powered using an external power source as well as the on-board rechargeable battery
Convenient data transmission
Data transmission via the standard ModBus/RTU protocol or via IRDA
Up to 5 years of data storage
The measured in manual and automated modes dew points data is stored for up to 5 years
Other features
  • Touch screen display for manual operation;
  • Can be used as a comparator unit;
  • Can be installed on a standard tripod (i.e. for a camera). The device can also be set up on any stable flat surface.


Period of operation
unlimited using an external power source
Dew point and hydrocarbon condensation temperature measurement range
from -30°C to ambient temperature
from -50°C to ambient temperature
Operating temperature
from -10 to +50°С
Temperature of target gas
from -20 to +50°С
Error rate limits for measurements (accuracy class A)
±0.25 °С
Error rate limits for measurements (accuracy class B)
± 0.5 °С
Error rate limits for measurements (accuracy class C)
±1°С in the range from -30°С to ambient temperature;
±1.5 °С in the range from -60 to -30°С
Measurement chamber gas flow rate
0.5...5 l/min
Power supply (voltage/power consumption), max
self-contained power supply (rechargeable battery) = (8.4–12.6) V, 4 Ah/15W
via external power source = (12-32) V/15W
Continuous operating time, min
4 hours by accumulator
Operating pressure
In KRAU2.844.007 kit - from 0.1 to 30 MPa
In KRAU2.844.007-01 kit - from 0.1 to 16 MPa
Protection level according to GOST 14254-96 (IEC 529-89)
Dimensions (excluding microscope), max
165х204х257 mm
Weight (excluding spare parts and accessories), max
7.5 kg
Set up
indoor / outdoor (explosion hazard area)
Connection to supply line of target gas
Dk-Lok connector for a pipe with outside diameter of 6mm
Rechargeable battery lifetime
10 years
Dew point sensor lifetime
3 years
Accumulator lifetime
300 charge-discharge cycles, but no more than 2 years of lifetime
show all Characteristics

Registration principles:

The principle upon which registration of water and hydrocarbon condensation on the chilled mirror’s surface is based involves exploiting the effect of total refraction.

Total refraction is the effect that occurs when light waves that are polarized in the longitudinal plane encounter the interface between dissimilar media in such a manner that the result is the absence of a reflected wave. This effect is only possible when these waves encounter the interface at Brewster’s angle.

In order to achieve this effect, a vertically polarized laser is used as a light source and the mirror is made using a dielectric material.

When the mirror is clean, the laser beam falls on the mirror’s surface at Brewster’s angle and is fully refracted. As a result, a zero signal is obtained at the photodetector output.

Every condensation process on the mirror's surface may be observed using the 40x magnification optical system. This system includes a white LED providing the vertical lighting of the cooling mirror's surface through the microscope’s objective. Side lighting is provided by the laser.

Hydrocarbon condensate registration characteristics

When a thin hydrocarbon film with a different refraction index forms on the mirror’s surface, the conditions for total refraction are not met and a new wave reflected from the gas-film media boundary is formed. Moreover, due to the optical transparency of the condensate film, another wave reflected from the film-mirror media boundary is formed as well. As a result, the photodetector captures two reflected beams which then combine to form an interference pattern.

The hydrocarbon dew point measurement occurs when the thickness of the film is about 5 - 10 nm.

Hydrocarbon condensation can only be observed through the microscope when the vertical lighting of the mirror's surface is on.

Water condensation registration characteristics

When the mirror cools and water droplets condense onto the mirror’s surface, intense scattering of light occurs. Condensation of water vapor onto the mirror results in an increase in the photoelectric signal of the registration system. The signal level from the photodetector depends on the amount of water condensed on the mirror’s surface. The observation of water condensation is possible not only under the vertical lighting of the mirror’s surface, but under the side lighting as well

Иллюстрация оборудования


For KRAU2.844.007
show package contents
Main set
Travel case
Pressure control system
Gas delivery system
Gas purification filter for glycol impurities and heavy hydrocarbon
Set of fittings:
Travel case
Cable (for connection of external power source)
IRDA adapter
PSU IBM 16W; 4.5A; connector 5.5/2.5
Vehicle power cigarette lighter adapter 5.5/2.5
Cotton swabs in flat package (50 pcs)
Set of cartridges
Special tool
Operational documents
Instruction manuals
Calibration procedures
KRAU2.844.007-01 Д21
Additional materials
Additional cooling system
Sintered steel unit FE73A-15
Tripod TH-650DV
Set of cartridges in a tube case
KRAU4.078.091 (-01)
Gas extraction kit
Diaphragm set (5 pcs.) for the membrane filter KRAU6.457.022 (-01)
Gas pressure reduction station "Model-001"
High pressure gas discharge set
* may be altered. Clarified at the time of order
show package contents
For KRAU2.844.007-01
show package contents
Main set
Travel case
Pressure control system
Gas delivery system
Gas purification filter for glycol impurities and heavy hydrocarbon
Set of fittings:
Travel case
Cable (for connection of external power source)
IRDA adapter
PSU IBM 16W; 4.5A; connector 5.5/2.5
Vehicle power cigarette lighter adapter 5.5/2.5
Cotton swabs in flat package (50 pcs)
Set of cartridges
Special tool
Operational documents
Instruction manuals
Calibration procedures
KRAU2.844.007-01 Д21
Additional materials
Additional cooling system
Sintered steel unit FE73A-15
Set of cartridges in a tube case
KRAU4.078.091 (-01)
Gas extraction kit
Diaphragm set (5 pcs.) for the membrane filter KRAU6.457.022 (-01)
Gas pressure reduction station "Model-001"
High pressure gas discharge set
* may be altered. Clarified at the time of order
show package contents

Hygrovision-BL – уникальный гигрометр с функциями автоматического потокового и ручного визуального анализаторов

Измерять точку росы в автоматическом и ручном режимах, выступать арбитражным прибором, а также хранить результаты всех измерений в течение пяти лет – все это возможности анализатора HYGROVISION-BL. Фирма «Вымпел» - единственный производитель конденсационных влагомеров, сумевшая в одном приборе объединить функции автоматического потокового и ручного визуального анализаторов.

Конденсационный гигрометр точки росы HYGROVISION-BL вобрал в себя все лучшие характеристики потокового автоматического анализатора КОНГ-Прима-2М и визуального измерителя точки росы HYGROVISION-MINI. От КОНГ-Прима-2М он получил уникальную систему оптической регистрации, позволяющую идентифицировать конденсат и измерять заданный параметр - точку росы по воде или углеводородам. От ручного визуального влагомера HYGROVISION-MINI прибор перенял инновационный метод визуализации конденсации при 40-кратном увеличении картинки благодаря встроенному микроскопу, а также аккумулятор, рассчитанный на 6-8 часов непрерывной работы. Следует отметить, что наличие последнего делает конденсационный гигрометр HYGROVISION-BL единственным потоковым анализатором с возможностью автономного питания, причем аккумулятор автоматически запускается при отключении внешнего питания, т.е. прибор становится незаменимым при возникновении всевозможных форс-мажорных ситуаций, особенно на тех участках нефтегазового комплекса, где требуется непрерывное измерение влажности газа. 

Все вышеперечисленные функции не просто реализованы в приборе, но реализованы на высоком техническом уровне. Например, гигрометр для газов HYGROVISION-BL запоминает результаты измерений, сделанных как в автоматическом, так и в ручном режимах и хранит их в течение 5 лет. Данные последних 12 измерений отображаются на сенсорном дисплее прибора. Для оперативного съёма данных HYGROVISION-BL имеет ИК-порт. 

Таким образом, один прибор – промышленный гигрометр HYGROVISION-BL – по сути может выполнять все манипуляции, связанные с процессом измерения влажности газа: 

  • измерять точку росы газа по углеводородам или же воде с высокой точностью; 
  • использовать анализатор как автоматический потоковый и осуществлять арбитражный контроль его измерений простым переключением режимов; 
  • применять прибор как визуальный переносной гигрометр для контроля других автоматических анализаторов. 

Для большего удобства работы с прибором специально для HYGROVISION-BL было разработано дополнительное оборудование: 

  • блок подготовки газа (бпг) MODEL-001 - позволяет использовать анализатор в качестве потокового стационарного, обеспечивая снижение давления пробы газа с рабочего вплоть до атмосферного; 
  • устройство для охлаждения корпуса – расширяет диапазон измерений до -60 °С. 

Принцип действия конденсационного гигрометра HYGROVISION-BL, как и всех анализаторов фирмы «Вымпел», полностью соответствует требованиям ГОСТ 20060-74/20061-84. 

Благодаря таким высоким техническим характеристикам анализатор HYGROVISION-BL был выбран стандартом сравнения межгосударственных эталонов влажности газа стран, входящих в COOMET - организацию национальных метрологических институтов стран Центральной и Восточной Европы. 

FAS-W Humidity Analyzer

Visual monitoring of the measurement process
Patented dual-channel optical system for monitoring the surface of the chilled mirror.
Measuring time reduction
Mode for automatic photo-electronic scanning of the mirror’s surface to decrease manual measurement time and determine the state of mirror contamination
Self-contained operation
Can be powered using an external power source as well as the on-board rechargeable battery
Convenient data transmission
Data transmission via the standard ModBus/RTU protocol or via IRDA
Up to 5 years of data storage
The measured in manual and automated modes dew points data is stored for up to 5 years
Other features
  • Touch screen display for manual operation;
  • Can be used as a comparator unit;
  • Can be installed on a standard tripod (i.e. for a camera). The device can also be set up on any stable flat surface.